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Fayetteville Traffic Ticket Lawyer


(910) 759-4000



With Gary Britt Law, you will have an attorney who has spent many years helping North Carolinians navigate the complexities of traffic court issues and the related legal processes.

Firstly, one of the most common types of traffic citations in North Carolina is the speeding ticket. North Carolina has strict laws regarding speed limits and if you are caught exceeding them, you’re likely to receive a ticket. Speeding tickets can vary greatly in severity, depending on how much you exceeded the limit and whether there was reckless driving involved.

Another common citation is the running of red lights or stop signs. It’s crucial to always pay attention to these signs as they play a vital role in maintaining road safety. Any negligence can lead to a traffic citation, and in some cases, even a court appearance.

Also, driving without a valid license or with a suspended license is considered a serious offense in North Carolina. Not only can you receive a traffic citation for this, but it can also lead to more serious consequences like vehicle impoundment or even jail time.

Next, we have the Driving While Impaired (DWI) citation. If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol or any substance that can impair your ability to operate a vehicle, you’ll likely face a DWI citation. These cases are particularly serious and can lead to severe fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment.

Lastly, reckless driving and hit-and-run incidents are severe traffic violations in North Carolina. These instances show a blatant disregard for traffic laws and can result in significant penalties, including hefty fines, increased insurance premiums, and potential jail time.

Understanding these types of traffic citations is only the first step. If you’ve received a traffic ticket in Fayetteville, North Carolina, it’s essential to know your rights and the possible defenses available to you. As your Fayetteville, North Carolina traffic attorney, I can provide you with the advice and representation you need to navigate these complicated situations.


With Gary Britt Law, you will have a knowledgeable, experienced, and skilled traffic Fayetteville, North Carolina traffic attorney. My professional career has revolved around helping the people of North Carolina understand and successfully navigate the legal world, and this includes helping clients navigate the convoluted maze of traffic laws and the repercussions from traffic tickets.

Speeding tickets are most common infraction or charge people tend to associate with traffic citations in North Carolina. North Carolina maintains a stringent adherence to speed limits to ensure public safety on the roads. When you exceed these prescribed limits, a speeding ticket becomes an inevitable reality. But it’s not as simple as it sounds. The severity of a speeding ticket can vary dramatically based on several factors. If you were clocked at a speed significantly over the limit, or if you were speeding in a school zone or construction zone, the consequences can escalate quickly, even leading to a multi-point mark on your driving record and an increase in your insurance rates.

Tickets for ignoring or running through stop signs or traffic signals (such as red lights) make up another common traffic citation issued in North Carolina. If you are caught ignoring these signs

and signals, you could be faced with a citation, hefty fines, and in certain circumstances, the necessity to appear in court.

The other most common traffic citations issued in North Carolina are for operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license (referred to as “No Operator’s License”) or with a suspended license (“Driving While License Revoked”). These offenses are viewed seriously. In North Carolina, these citations can result in your license being revoked for a longer period of time and prevent or delay you from getting a license in addition to the already hefty court costs and fines.

Driving While Impaired charges are the most serious type of traffic charges in North Carolina. In North Carolina, being caught behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or any other mind-altering substance carries significant legal repercussions. A DWI citation is not merely a traffic violation; it’s a criminal offense. Penalties can range from steep fines to a suspension of your driving privileges and, in severe cases, imprisonment.

North Carolina traffic law takes a strong stance against reckless driving and hit-and-run incidents. If found guilty, individuals may face sizeable penalties such as exorbitant fines, a hike in insurance premiums, loss of driving privileges, and potentially even a term of incarceration.

Arming yourself with knowledge about these traffic citations is only the beginning. If you find yourself on the receiving end of a traffic ticket in Fayetteville, North Carolina, or Cumberland County, it’s crucial to be aware of your legal rights and the defenses available to you. As your traffic attorney, I can provide you with the necessary advice, guidance, and representation to help you effectively manage these complicated situations.


North Carolina uses a points system to regulate driver behavior via a points system for driver’s licenses and another points system for motor vehicle insurance.

The driver’s license points system assigns different point values to various traffic violations. For instance, passing a stopped school bus may earn you five points, while speeding in excess of 55 mph might cost you three points. A significant point accumulation can lead to the suspension of your driving license.

However, it’s important to understand that the driver’s license points system is separate from the insurance points system in North Carolina. The latter is used by insurance companies to determine your auto insurance rates. Moreover, insurance points are assigned at different rates than driver’s license points. An insurance point usually stays on your record for three years, causing an increase in your insurance premiums during this period.

A critical element of my job as your traffic lawyer is to help you avoid accumulating these points whenever possible, or minimize the impact on your driving record and insurance premiums. Fighting a traffic ticket isn’t just about avoiding fines or potential court appearances; it’s about protecting your driving privileges and maintaining reasonable insurance rates.

Driver’s License Points System

Under North Carolina General Statute § 20-16(a)(5), the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) holds the power to suspend your driver’s license based on the buildup of driver’s licenses points. Specifically, if you accumulate twelve or more driver’s license points within three years, the DMV will suspend your driving privileges, and if you get your license reinstated, if you accumulate eight or more new points during the following three years, your license will be suspended again.

To give you an idea of how the points system works, I have provided brief overview of some traffic violations and the point value the DMV assigns for each type of conviction (Note: These Are Note The Points Used For Commercial Drivers. Commercial Drivers Have A Different Point System.). However, it is important to note that if you are convicted of multiple violations from a single incident, DMV only charges points from the more serious violation.

If you’re facing a license suspension in North Carolina due to accumulating points, here’s what you need to know about the duration of the suspensions:

  • Your first suspension will typically last 60 days.
  • The second suspension? About 6 months.
  • And the third time? Your license could be suspended for a full year.

Suspensions Not Determined by the Point System

Apart from the point system, The North Carolina law provides for the suspension of driver’s licenses for certain offenses regardless of points. A few of the charges that trigger an automatic suspension upon conviction include:

  1. Being caught Driving While Impaired (DWI) with a BAC of .08 or higher.
  2. If you’re under 21 and have been driving after consuming alcohol or drugs.
  3. Speeding more than 15 mph over the speed limit when your clocked speed is above 55 mph.
  4. Going above 75 mph in zones where the speed limit is below 70 mph.
  5. Speeding beyond 80 mph in 70 mph zones.
  6. Within a 12-month window
  7. Speeding with the intent to elude arrest.
  8. Engaging in highway racing.
  9. Committing a hit and run resulting in injury or death.
  10. Being at fault in an accident causing injuries/death with costs surpassing $1,800 or property damage above $3,000.
  11. Transporting illegal liquor for sale.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where your driving rights are at stake, remember that Gary Britt Law is here to help. Reach out for guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.


In North Carolina, it’s the Department of Insurance that sets the rules for how much auto insurance companies can charge. One of the primary mechanisms for setting these rates is the North Carolina Safe Driver Incentive Plan, or SDIP. Crafted through laws (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-65 and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-75, SDIP is designed with a clear purpose: incentivize safe driving through financial means. If you’ve been adding points to your driver’s license due to traffic offenses, know

that the SDIP is adding its own points based on those same violations or any at-fault accidents, and the result will be a significant increase in how much you pay for car insurance.

Breaking Down SDIP Points from Convictions

Whereas you do not receive driver’s license points for each conviction arising from a single event. With SDIP, each of those offenses could tag on its own set of points, possibly boosting your insurance costs for each one. SDIP points are charged in the following fashion:

It is important to note that there are certain situations where you won’t be burdened with an increase in insurance costs from SDIP Points:

  1. If you’re convicted of speeding a mere 10 mph or less over the designated speed limit, you will not incur SDIP points and a resulting rise in insurance costs if the offense didn’t occur in a school or work zone and if you do not have any other traffic convictions within the three year look back period insurance companies have when your insurance renews.
  2. If you’ve had a single Prayer for Judgement Continued (PJC) within the three year look back period, you will not be penalized with SDIP points and insurance increase for that single PJC. However, you need to be very cautious because should you receive a second PJC during this period, the SDIP points for the initial PJC, as well as the new one, will be applied to your insurance costs and could lead to a massive increase in your insurance costs.

SDIP Points From Accidents

Apart from convictions, you can be assessed points for traffic accidents for which you are at fault (legally responsible), and if you’re found at fault for a traffic accident and are also convicted for a moving traffic violation because of the same accident, the SDIP system will only apply the greater of the two point values (i.e. if the accident has the higher point total compared to the conviction, the accident point total will be applied and not the conviction total and vice versa).

There will be no insurance points added for an accident if all of the following are true:

  1. There is property damage only;
  2. The amount of damage is $1,800 or less;
  3. There is no conviction for a moving violation in connection with the accident; and
  4. No licensed operators in the household have convictions or at-fault accidents during the experience period. (An insurance company may require that the insured be covered by that company for six continuous months.)

Concerned about accumulating points and the subsequent effect on your pocketbook? Or just need a guiding hand through North Carolina’s traffic laws? Reach out to Gary Britt Law. I’m here to help every step of the way.


While it might seem like the quick and hassle-free option, simply paying off your traffic ticket is an admission of guilt and responsibility. You are accepting responsibility for the traffic violation, which can lead to points on your driver’s license, an increase in your auto insurance rates, and potential consequences for your future driving privileges including immediate suspension of your license. So, think twice before opting for what may seem like the easy way out.

This is where having a seasoned traffic attorney can make a significant difference. As a traffic attorney in Fayetteville and Cumberland County, Gary Britt Law brings comprehensive knowledge of North Carolina traffic laws, an understanding of the local court procedures, and a keen eye for reviewing the details of your citation. All these factors can be crucial in contesting a traffic ticket. I can help determine if there are grounds to challenge the ticket, explore potential defense strategies, determine if there is a way to get the ticket dismissed or reduced to a less serious charge or infraction, and represent you in court if necessary. My primary goal is to protect your driving record and keep your insurance rates from skyrocketing.

Engaging a traffic attorney like Gary Britt Law to represent you when you’ve been issued a traffic ticket is vital. Not only can I navigate the legal complexities on your behalf, but I can also save you the time and stress of dealing with these issues on your own. More importantly, my experience and knowledge can significantly improve your chances of reducing the penalties associated with the traffic citation or even having the ticket dismissed altogether.


Throughout my career I’ve discovered that many people suffer from revoked licenses due to old, outstanding traffic tickets that have been neglected or improperly handled. If you find yourself in such a predicament, I want you to know that Gary Britt Law is here to help.

In many scenarios, people are unaware that an unpaid or unresolved traffic ticket can lead to their license being revoked. Sometimes, people are not even aware they have an unresolved or outstanding traffic ticket until they discover their license has been revoked. The good news is that with proper legal guidance and strategy, we can work to restore your driving privileges.

As a traffic attorney with extensive experience in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Cumberland County and across the state, I understand the nuances and complexities of traffic laws and the DMV regulations. I can scrutinize your case, identify any outstanding traffic tickets, and guide you on how to resolve them effectively. Depending on the nature and number of your outstanding tickets, we can formulate a strategy to address each one, which may include negotiating reductions, establishing payment plans, or even contesting the tickets in court. Sometimes, we can even get old tickets dismissed outright and save you the court costs and fines.

Gary Britt Law’s role extends beyond merely handling the paperwork. Gary Britt Law is here to represent you throughout this process. I can interact with the courts on your behalf, saving you the time and stress of navigating these systems on your own. If needed, I can also represent you in court hearings, advocating for your rights and interests.

It is important to remember that each case is unique and there are no guarantees, but Gary Britt Law’s commitment is to give your case the personalized attention it deserves and strive for the best possible outcome.

If you’re dealing with a revoked license due to old, outstanding traffic tickets, remember that you don’t have to do this alone. You can trust Gary Britt Law of Fayetteville, North Carolina to help you, and by trusting Gary Britt Law, you can ensure you have a knowledgeable, experienced, skilled traffic attorney. Together, we can work towards resolving your traffic tickets and getting your license restored to put you back in the driver’s seat.


Having a reliable and experienced traffic law attorney can make all the difference. Gary Britt Law of Fayetteville, North Carolina provides the trusted, experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled legal representation for those facing the complexities of traffic citations and driver’s license issues. With a practice built on dedication, knowledge, and a commitment to personalized attention, you can trust in Gary Britt Law to help protect you. Whether you’re dealing with a minor infraction or a major violation, remember: every twist and turn becomes easier to navigate with Gary Britt Law by your side. Don’t let traffic issues stall your journey. Reach out to Gary Britt Law today and get


In North Carolina, it’s the Department of Insurance that sets the rules for how much auto insurance companies can charge. One of the primary mechanisms for setting these rates is the North Carolina Safe Driver Incentive Plan, or SDIP. Crafted through laws (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-65 and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 58-36-75, SDIP is designed with a clear purpose: incentivize safe driving through financial means. If you’ve been adding points to your driver’s license due to traffic offenses, know

that the SDIP is adding its own points based on those same violations or any at-fault accidents, and the result will be a significant increase in how much you pay for car insurance.

**Breaking Down SDIP Points from Convictions**

Whereas you do not receive driver’s license points for each conviction arising from a single event. With SDIP, each of those offenses could tag on its own set of points, possibly boosting your insurance costs for each one. SDIP points are charged in the following fashion: