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Fayetteville Domestic Violence Lawyer


(910) 759-4000


Understanding Domestic Violence In Fayetteville, NC 

In the heart of Fayetteville, NC, at Gary Britt Law, I make it a point to understand the emotional turmoil and fear associated with domestic violence cases. I am always striving to do my utmost to provide the best legal guidance on navigating domestic violence protective orders in North Carolina.

Domestic violence is a severe, often hidden, issue impacting countless lives across our communities in Fayetteville, Cumberland County, Fort Liberty and beyond. In North Carolina, victims can seek legal protection through Domestic Violence Protective Orders (DVPOs), also referred to as a “50B order” or a “restraining order.”

Securing a DVPO in North Carolina can be a lifeline for victims, granting them immediate legal protection against their alleged abusers. However, the intricacies of this legal process can be daunting without experienced legal support. At Gary Britt Law, I am committed to ensuring victims get the protection they deserve, and helping simplify the complex process involved in domestic violence protective order cases for my clients.

This Fayetteville law firm is steadfast in its mission to provide comprehensive, compassionate legal support to individuals seeking protective orders in North Carolina and protecting the rights of those accused of domestic violence. 

With a deep understanding of North Carolina’s domestic violence laws, Gary Britt Law ensures that the protection of your rights is the top priority.

Serving Fayetteville, NC, and surrounding communities, Gary Britt Law is your trusted ally. Let me help guide you through the intricate path of the domestic violence protective order process, helping you reclaim your life from the shadows of domestic violence and protect your rights.

If you or someone you know is struggling with domestic violence related issues and needs legal advice in Fayetteville, North Carolina, contact Gary Britt Law. We stand ready to safeguard your rights and secure your future.

What is the Difference Between a Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO) and Criminal Prosecution?

DVPOs and criminal prosecution are two separate avenues that can be pursued in response to domestic violence incidents. Both can provide protection for victims, but they differ significantly in process, purpose, and consequences.

1. Domestic Violence Protective Orders (DVPOs)

A DVPO, as discussed above, is a civil action providing immediate but temporary protection to victims of domestic violence. It prohibits further abuse, can award temporary custody of children, and may provide for financial support or eviction of the abuser. Importantly, a violation of a DVPO’s terms can be considered a crime but the obtaining of a DVPO is a civil process. 

2. Criminal Prosecution

On the other hand, criminal prosecution is initiated by the state (usually through a District Attorney’s office) in response to a criminal act, such as assault or battery. Criminal charges require a higher burden of proof than a DVPO and can result in criminal penalties such as fines, probation, or imprisonment. While a criminal proceeding can result in a protective order similar to a DVPO, it primarily serves to punish the abuser and deter future criminal conduct.

It’s crucial to remember that obtaining a DVPO does not preclude pursuing criminal charges, and vice versa. They are distinct legal paths that can often be pursued concurrently, providing overlapping layers of protection.

As a trusted domestic violence attorney in Fayetteville, NC, I aim to provide my clients with a comprehensive understanding of all legal tools available to them. At Gary Britt Law, your safety and peace of mind are my top priority.

The Domestic Violence Protective Order Process

North Carolina law allows people to obtain an Emergency (Ex Parte) and Permanent Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO) under North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) Chapter 50B.

1. Applying for an Ex Parte/ Emergency DVPO

In North Carolina, the first crucial step I assist you with is filing a complaint for a domestic violence protective order and seeking an emergency / ex parte order, a crucial temporary measure offering immediate protection until a full DVPO hearing can take place. To qualify, you must demonstrate that you have been subjected to or threatened with acts of domestic violence by a person with whom you have a personal relationship.

To obtain this ex parte order, you’ll need to file a complaint at your local county courthouse. As your Fayetteville domestic violence lawyer, I will help craft a compelling complaint that meets the necessary legal standards, detailing the domestic violence incidents and why immediate protection is paramount. If the judge agrees the danger is immediate, the ex parte order could even be issued the same day.

2. Securing a Permanent DVPO:

After obtaining the ex parte order, we will prepare for the hearing for a permanent DVPO, which is typically scheduled within 10 days but is often continued. The alleged abuser will be served with the ex parte order and the notice of the hearing date, providing them an opportunity to challenge the allegations in court.

During the hearing, I will present your case, bringing forward all supporting evidence and witnesses to testify about the acts of domestic violence you’ve endured. If the judge is convinced of the violence, they can issue a permanent DVPO, valid for up to one year.

3. Extending the DVPO:

Even though a DVPO typically lasts for one year, I can help you apply for an extension if you feel you’re still in danger when the order is near expiration. However, remember the extension request must be filed before the current order expires.

Navigating this process can be challenging, but at Gary Britt Law, I am committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive guidance and assertive representation every step of the way to ensure your safety and rights are upheld.

Understanding the Protections and Orders Issued Under a DVPO in North Carolina 

At Gary Britt Law in Fayetteville, NC, I am committed to helping you comprehend the various protections and orders that can be issued under a Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO).

A DVPO in North Carolina, often referred to as a ’50B order’ or ‘restraining order,’ provides essential protections for victims of domestic violence, helping them regain a sense of safety and control in their lives.

Navigating the intricacies of what protections a DVPO can offer is a challenging task. As a trusted domestic violence attorney at Gary Britt Law, I do everything I can to provide comprehensive guidance throughout this process, to help ensure you understand all the protections available under a DVPO in North Carolina.

1. Prohibition of Threats or Violence

The fundamental purpose of a DVPO is to prohibit the abuser from committing any further acts of domestic violence, which can include threats, harassment, injury, and more. Violation of this prohibition can result in serious consequences, including criminal charges.

2. No-Contact Order

A DVPO typically includes a no-contact order, which bars the abuser from any form of direct or indirect contact with the victim. This includes in-person encounters, phone calls, text messages, emails, or contact through third parties.

3. Residence Eviction

The DVPO can grant the victim exclusive rights to the residence they shared with the abuser. This can mean the abuser is evicted from the home and barred from returning.

4. Custody and Visitation Orders

The court can issue temporary custody orders for minor children involved, with consideration to their safety and welfare. This could also include visitation orders, designed to protect the children during any interactions with the alleged abuser. These provisions are limited to a maximum one year in length and are superseded by the orders issued in a child custody action entered pursuant to Chapter 50 of the North Carolina General Statutes. 

5. Financial Assistance

The DVPO may require the abuser to provide financial support to the victim and any minor children involved, covering needs such as housing, food, and medical expenses. However, judges can be reluctant to order these provisions and often state that people should file proper actions for child support, post separation support and alimony. 

What if I am the Defendant in a Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO) Action / Accused of Domestic Violence?

As we continue discussing domestic violence and its legal implications in Fayetteville, NC, it’s crucial to highlight that, at Gary Britt Law, I also provide robust defense services for those accused of domestic violence in DVPO actions and criminal cases.

Being accused of domestic violence can have far-reaching impacts on your life, affecting your reputation, personal relationships, and potentially leading to severe legal consequences. It’s essential to navigate these accusations with the assistance of an experienced domestic violence lawyer in Fayetteville, NC.

Defending Against DVPO Actions

In DVPO proceedings, I strive to ensure your rights are protected. I understand that allegations of domestic violence can sometimes be exaggerated or even falsely made, especially during contentious family or divorce proceedings. I work diligently to scrutinize the evidence, question the validity of claims, and present a strong defense on your behalf.

Defending Against Criminal Domestic Violence Charges

When it comes to criminal domestic violence charges, I understand the gravity of the situation. A conviction can lead to penalties such as fines, probation, or imprisonment. Additionally, a criminal record can significantly affect future employment, housing opportunities, personal rights – such as the right to purchase and own firearms for the rest of your life – and even child custody arrangements.

At Gary Britt Law, I offer a comprehensive defense strategy, examining every detail of the accusations and the evidence against you. My goal is to work towards reducing or dismissing the charges whenever possible, while always ensuring your side of the story is heard.

Whether you’re seeking protection from domestic violence or have been accused of such acts, navigating the legal landscape can be daunting. As an experienced domestic violence attorney based in Fayetteville, NC, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Protecting Against Misuse of DVPOs in Family Law Cases 

At Gary Britt Law, I am well aware that while Domestic Violence Protective Orders (DVPOs) and criminal prosecutions play crucial roles in protecting victims of domestic violence, these systems and protections can sometimes be manipulated for unfair advantages in family law cases. As an experienced domestic violence attorney based in Fayetteville, NC, I offer vigorous defense for those wrongly accused, ensuring justice prevails.

Misuse of DVPOs and Criminal Prosecution

In heated family disputes, particularly involving child custody or divorce, some parties may attempt to misuse the DVPO process or criminal prosecution as leverage. Falsely accusing someone of domestic violence can tilt the scales unfairly in their favor, potentially impacting custody rulings, property division, or even tarnishing the reputation of the accused.

Protecting the Wrongly Accused

As your attorney, I understand the seriousness of false accusations of domestic violence. Not only can they lead to unjust DVPOs or criminal charges, but they can also cause significant personal and professional harm. At Gary Britt Law, I am dedicated to diligently scrutinizing the evidence and exposing the truth.

1. Challenging and Defending Against DVPO Actions

When facing a DVPO based on false allegations, I work tirelessly to question the validity of the claims and the evidence presented. Through a careful examination of the facts, I aim to show the court the potential misuse of the DVPO process, seeking to prevent an unjust order from being issued.

2. Defending Against Criminal Domestic Violence Charges

When it comes to defending against criminal domestic violence charges, I understand the high stakes. I mount a vigorous defense, meticulously examining the details of the case, challenging the prosecution’s evidence, and ensuring your side of the story is heard. I’m committed to seeking the best possible outcome for you, whether that means reduced charges, dismissal, or acquittal.

The misuse of DVPOs and criminal prosecutions in family law cases is a serious matter. As an experienced domestic violence attorney based in Fayetteville, NC, I’m here to protect your rights and fight for justice.